Speaking truth to power - The key to organizational survival during uncertainty, volatility and change May 7th, 3 pm CET

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Speaking truth to power: The key to survival during organisational uncertainty, volatility and change

Can maintaining open channels of communication and upward-feedback be instrumental in surviving turbulent times in business?

In this rapidly evolving world where change is constant, we want to hold on to our talent regardless of the challenges we face. We want them to speak up and voice their thoughts, ideas and concerns.

However, research has already shown that people in senior positions of their organizations consistently overestimate how approachable they are and how easy it is for people to speak to them with complete candour. Often these same well-meaning leaders assume that ticking boxes by saying “my door is always open” results in employees openly and willingly sharing. Uncertainty and change only exacerbate the perceived power leaders hold and the magnitude of the disadvantages someone might experience as a result of speaking up.

Join this 45-minute live session with Megan Reitz, Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge Executive Education to explore the value of speaking truth to power when our organisations are facing difficult times, what can be done to facilitate and improve our employees ability to speak up and what traps we can fall into during this process.



Speaker: Megan Reitz, Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge Executive Education

When? May 7th, 3 pm CET

Can't make it? Sign up and receive the recording straight to your inbox after the webinar. 

Speaker: Megan Reitz

Megan is passionate about the intersection of leadership, change, dialogue and mindfulness. She specializes in research which is participatory and dedicated to initiating change through cycles of action, inquiry and reflection. As Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge Executive Education she lectures, researches and consults, as well as supervising students undertaking their PhD on the Executive Doctorate in Organisational Change. Her recent research with John Higgins on ‘Speaking truth to Power’ examines how perceptions of power enable and silence others. Together they acknowledge the complexities of truth and power in organizations, explaining how the interplay of five key issues – Conviction, Risk Awareness, Political Awareness, Social Awareness, and Judgement – affect whether people speak up and/or encourage others to feel free to speak up in organizations.

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