A great school with great teachers and engaged peers is one of the most important things in a young person’s life. But when it comes to languages, eve...
Hooray, you arrived at your destination! We hope that everything went smoothly and your new home away from home is as awesome as you imagined it would...
When planning to study abroad in the Southern Hemisphere, many students have their hearts set on Australia. But there’s another top destination in tow...
Getting ready to study abroad for the first time is exciting, but you might have a question or three: What should I pack and how much of it? Do I need...
Every year, thousands of EF Hosts open their homes to students from around the world. Meet Russell and Shemane from San Diego who hosted two 14-year-o...
Set on studying English abroad, but still wondering where to go? South Africa may be not on the top your list – but it should be. A land of lush lands...
It’s one thing to learn the theory of a language and study vocab from a textbook at home, but it’s an entirely different thing to study abroad and spe...
When I think of the Chinese language, at least personally, I start to feel overwhelmed. I can’t say the various “mā, má, mǎ and mà” sounds and there a...
Ever feel bad about spending too much time binge-watching Netflix? Well, no need to feel guilty anymore because all that watching is for a good cause ...
It’s no secret: Learning a language can really help your child get ahead in life. It strengthens CVs and bolsters college applications, improves their...
Australia. Even its name evokes wanderlust. Almost everyone knows someone who’s traveled to or studied in Australia, and is only too ready to give the...
Let’s be totally honest – learning German is hard. The grammar, the vocabulary and the pronunciation are tricky and sometimes a challenge to native sp...