EF GO Blog | EF Global Site (English)
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163 articles
8 Shakespearean insults to win arguments with your friends
2 min read 2 min

Do you usually lose arguments with your buddies? Are you often the butt of the joke in your friendship group and you wish you had a witty quip to turn...

5 things to know about working life in London
3 min read 3 min

It’s no surprise that many people (especially students) want to work in London. The British capital is not only a hub for international business, but ...

10 things no one tells you about tipping in the US
7 min read 7 min

Visitors to the US are often baffled by our tipping culture. It’s true – it’s a wild monkey you have to learn to tango with.You tip a lot of people in...

10 reasons to love Auckland
4 min read 4 min

A nature-first city packed with beaches, harbors, islands, and 48 dormant volcanoes? It could only be Auckland.  Long forgotten to New Zealand’s ski t...

6 Valentine’s traditions from around the world that we love
3 min read 3 min

Ah, romance. Nothing gets the heart fluttering like candlelight, flowers and the sound of sweet nothings. We love it so much we have a day dedicated t...

Why study English in London?
2 min read 2 min

Thinking of studying, working or just living in London? My advice: go for it. London has so many fantastic things to offer, from breathtaking cityscap...

The 10 most popular GO articles you should have read in 2021
3 min read 3 min

‘Tis the season to look back over the last year with nostalgia. The lows, the highs and – of course – some of our favorite GO Blog posts from 2021.We ...

50 things we love about the US (and know you’ll love too)
11 min read 11 min

Land of the free, home of the brave, and arguably the most popular country on Earth. Here are the 50 things we love about the US (that’s one reason pe...

How to learn Korean fast – 5 tips
3 min read 3 min

It’s getting harder and harder to predict what attributes will set us apart in the job market of the future. Mastering foreign languages and cultures,...

10 things you should know before moving to Seoul
4 min read 4 min

Whether you’re drawn in by technology, culture, or by a desire to learn the language, you’ll not be the first expat who has been enchanted by Korea’s ...

13 strange and thrilling facts about Halloween
3 min read 3 min

Get your adrenaline pumping in a haunted house, carve pumpkins by the bonfire, and eat your yearly allotment of candy in one sitting. It’s easy to see...

10 hidden gems in Honolulu
5 min read 5 min

On the island of O’ahu, AKA ‘The Gathering Place’, Honolulu has long drawn international visitors with promises of sunny beaches and reliable waves. B...