Part of the magic of learning a new language lies in discovering peculiar and unique new words. No matter how elaborate the situation at hand may be, ...
If there’s one essential thing you need to get a firmer grasp on UK culture, it’s knowledge of the slang words Brits can’t stop using. Just imagine on...
English may have over 750,000 words, but it doesn’t always offer up the best words for a concept or a feeling. Here’s our list of the most beautiful w...
In honor of Australia Day (celebrated on the 26th January) and our laid back brothers and sisters Down Under, we’ve put together a list of ten Aussie ...
English is a language with an unusual backstory, a fascinating history and a vocabulary that’s unrivaled in terms of scale and variety. While it’s no ...
Californian expressions change like the seasons – we’ve already covered 10 key ones here – so here’s a list of ten more slang terms you absolutely nee...
2016 may have been the year of Brexit and describing everything as lit but now we’re in 2017 there’s a whole new delivery of fresh slang words all Eng...
Did you enjoy my last post on British expressions that will make you sound like a true Brit? If so, read on. There are hundreds of other great sayings...
In order to live the Californian lifestyle, it’s not enough to make sure burritos, avocados and In-N-Out burgers are staples in your diet, you soak up...
Do you know your “Guv’nor” from your “blimey”? How about “reckon” or “bonkers”? Although foreigners often look on in confusion when British people use...
Football brings the world together, but if you find yourself watching a game abroad or with a group of friends from Germany, England, Spain, France or...
Oh English, you tricky piece of work. Just when we think we’ve got you figured out, you go and break a spelling rule or insist on a bunch of pronuncia...