Learning a new language is a rewarding experience that opens up new cultures, opportunities, and perspectives. However, it’s not uncommon to feel like...
Learning a new language opens doors to new cultures, opportunities, and friendships. The best way to strengthen language skills is to practice, but fo...
In today’s world, the better your English, the more you can partake in all things global: from internet culture that knows no borders to international...
Speaking multiple languages is a dream for many people. Becoming a polyglot — someone who speaks several languages fluently — is a particularly impres...
You’re reading a book in a foreign language that you’re trying to learn, and you spot a familiar word. It’s similar to one in your mother tongue, so i...
Learning a new language is incredibly rewarding and fun, but there are times when our brains seem to be working against us.As someone who has learned ...
You dream of conducting a perfect German conversation, but your commitment to it can swiftly disappear behind a misty cloud of the rest of life’s to-d...
Every day, all around the world people use YouTube to teach themselves new skills from the comfort of their own homes. It’s a fantastic platform for c...
With ever-changing landscapes and new global challenges, educators and learners around the world have had to adapt. In this new era, connecting with f...
Living in the digital age has its perks – especially when it comes to language learning (and dog videos): gone are the days when you had to lug around...
Being stuck at home is a pain, but that’s no reason to give up on your dream of learning French. With all the online resources available for French st...
When your child steps outside of the classroom, their learning doesn’t stop there. Another great place for your child to learn? Your home. Simple day-...