Q&A with EF Global Intern Maria Chiara
A native of pretty Padova in Northern Italy, Maria is a cookbook enthusiast and wannabe interior designer. A little shy at first, Maria is also warm, wonderful and talkative, you just have to scratch that cool Italian surface a little. Now living in Milan, and working as a TV producer for an advertising agency, she took time from her busy schedule to talk to us about her Global Intern experience.
Q: It’s been a couple of years since your Global Intern experience ended – looking back, what did you like most about it?
A: I loved my travel buddies and the people I met. I left a piece of my heart in every place I visited, and it’s now spread all over the world. I love to have so many international friends; it’s like having a thousand minds and two thousand eyes which think and see in different and complementary ways.
Q: What was your most memorable experience as the Global Intern?
A: The moment that really stuck with me was a sunset we experienced on the Santa Barbara beach. I was with Ayu and Mariana, two wonderful travel buddies of mine, and I was asking them to look towards the sea to catch the sunset while I was filming. Spontaneously, they started saying funny things and I documented it all, of course. It was a simple situation, yet so full of emotion.
Q: What new skills did you gain during the internship?
A: I learned what it really means “to share,” from choosing where to have dinner together to deciding on how to set and achieve a team goal. I had to overcome shyness, build my confidence, and connect with people I barely knew. I learned to put my ego aside, to make room for the others’ thoughts, and most importantly, to experiences everything without fear.
Q: You’re now a TV producer in Milan. Do you think this internship helped with that?
A: Yes, especially because of the skills I acquired. In today’s business context two skills are particularly valuable: boldness and the ability to work well in a team. The Global internship helped me develop these two skills further.
Q: If given the chance, would you be the Global Intern again? Why or why not?
A: The answer is yes! And I’d recommend it to others for the same reason. I don’t want to sound repetitive, but it is a unique and intoxicating experience. You get to travel, but it’s a working adventure as well. It’s rare to be able to reconcile all these factors: fun, work, adventure. As my friend, Mariana would say: “Who doesn’t wanna do that?”