How to say “Merry Christmas” in different languages
By now you’ve dug out your Christmas sweater, hung your stockings by the chimney, and are getting in the holiday mood by humming Christmas carols all day long.
What better way to celebrate one of the world’s most international holidays than to learn how to say “Merry Christmas” in other languages?
Here’s how to say “Merry Christmas” in different languages:
How to say…
“Merry Christmas” in other languages
Merry Christmas in German
Frohe Weihnachten
Merry Christmas in Swedish
God Jul
Merry Christmas in Chinese
聖誕快樂 (Shèngdàn jié kuàilè)
Merry Christmas in Japanese
メリークリスマス (Merīkurisumasu)
Merry Christmas in Spanish
Feliz Navidad
Merry Christmas in Italian
Buon Natale
Merry Christmas in French
Joyeux Noël
Merry Christmas in Dutch
Vrolijk kerstfeest
Merry Christmas in Vietnamese
Giáng Sinh vui vẻ
Merry Christmas in Czech
Veselé Vánoce
Merry Christmas in Portuguese
Feliz Natal
Merry Christmas in Korean
메리크리스마스 (Meli keuliseumaseu)
Merry Christmas in Polish
Wesołych Świąt
Merry Christmas in Russian
С рождеством!
Merry Christmas in Finnish
Hyvää joulua
Merry Christmas in Swahili
Krismasi Njema
Merry Christmas in Arabic
عَيد ميلاد مَجيد (ʿīd mīlād majīd)
For the language buffs among you a few fun facts: The Latin root of the English word “nativity” can be found in all the Romance languages. You can also find the roots of the English “yuletide” in the Swedish version!