EF Stories: Damien Michaud from France at EF Brisbane
What is your educational background?
After completing high school, I pursued a BTS in Tourism and DEESCOM (communication and event management).
Why did you choose to join an EF campus?
I decided to go abroad to improve my English. It was essential for me to be able to communicate effectively in English for the professional field I was considering and for traveling, of course.
Your educational/professional path after your EF experience?
I chose to do a professional contract in a bar/wine cellar (communication manager) with the goal of eventually opening my own bar.
Your advice for future participants?
I highly recommend that all students be proactive: participate in classes, as many activities as possible, and make as many friends as possible! Above all, avoid speaking with other French students if you really intend to make progress. And, of course, do not miss classes unless absolutely necessary.