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Born with a severe case of wanderlust, you can find me trying to fill my English passport with new stamps, accompanied by a backpack, my camera and a snorkel. In between dreaming of adventures that combine snowboarding and diving, I'm a travel writer in Bristol and like to tread the thin line between impressive and worrying coffee consumption.

All articles from Emma

How to eat like the Spanish eat
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One of the best things about visiting Spain is the foodie culture. The fresh Mediterranean ingredients make dishes like paella so good that they’re co...

A survival guide to American English
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You’re learning English. Great! As the most widely spoken language in the world, you’ll be able to connect with the other 1.5 billion people globally ...

How to navigate cultural differences: 9 tips
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Cultural exchange is a huge part of foreign language learning. Language is so connected to culture that, to become fluent, it’s essential to learn abo...

The ultimate summer guide to Rome
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Ah, summer in Rome. It makes you think of touring the historic sights, devouring mountains of soft gelato and spending warm evenings enjoying good foo...

The importance of immersion: Why you should learn a language the same way you’ll use it
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There are many different ways to learn a second language, from taking classes to reading books, or even using an app. But one way has been proven more...

The ultimate summer guide to Brighton
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When the sun is shining, there’s only one place that Brits want to be: by the sea! Since the 1800s, Brighton has been one of England’s top beach desti...

5 spectacular natural wonders you can easily access from major cities
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Spending time outside and appreciating nature is good for the soul. Research has shown that connecting with nature can seriously boost your mental hea...

How to learn Japanese quickly: 10 tips
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Being fluent in a second language is a super impressive skill. It arms you with the tools to become a better communicator, allows you to understand an...

The ultimate summer guide to New York
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They call it ‘The City That Never Sleeps’ and, with an endless list of things to do, restaurants to try, parks to sit in and events to attend, you rea...

Why an app isn’t enough to master a language
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In an age when we’re permanently glued to our phones, there is an app for pretty much everything – even learning a new language! And, as the true valu...

The ultimate summer guide to Sydney
4 min read 4 min

Aussies sure know how to make the most of their world-class summer weather, and Sydney is a hotbed for great food, world-class surf, and unbeatable go...

10 best student spots in London: From food to music
5 min read 5 min

From the best cheap-eats to the coolest art or music venues, we’ve scoured London in search of the places that every student should add to their bucke...