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The latest on travel, languages and culture by EF Education First
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Born with a severe case of wanderlust, you can find me trying to fill my English passport with new stamps, accompanied by a backpack, my camera and a snorkel. In between dreaming of adventures that combine snowboarding and diving, I'm a travel writer in Bristol and like to tread the thin line between impressive and worrying coffee consumption.

All articles from Emma

How to eat like the French
4 min read 4 min

The French certainly know how to cook, but they also know how to eat. In France, good food is taken very seriously and meals are prepared with seasona...

50 more incredible facts to make you seem cultured
7 min read 7 min

So, you want to impress your pals? Have the air of someone who is well-traveled, well-read, and would be great in a pub quiz? Well, you’re in the righ...

11 German slang terms to make you sound like a local
3 min read 3 min

When learning a new language, it’s easy to sound a bit like you’ve eaten a foreign dictionary. But, there’s a simple solution. Using colloquialisms an...

12 ways to make your study abroad trip more sustainable
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As humans living on this planet, it’s up to all of us to help keep our home in good shape. Dealing with climate change on a global scale is a job for ...

10 K-dramas to learn Korean with
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If you’re studying Korean, some of the best tools for learning the language are just a few clicks away. Korean TV shows have become super popular arou...

8 weird and wonderful spots to explore this year
4 min read 4 min

Looking for an adventure that’s a little bit different this year? We’ve got you. From ancient underground burial chambers to ocean waves that glow in ...

8 ways to make packing for a trip more eco-friendly
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These days there are a myriad of ways we can reduce our impact on the environment — from choosing how we travel and where we stay, to putting the righ...

5 things to do in Sydney on a budget
4 min read 4 min

Traveling while keeping to a tight budget can be daunting, especially when Sydney is famously one of the world’s most expensive cities. But with so mu...

How to learn Mandarin quickly: 10 tips
min read min

Mandarin Chinese has a bit of a reputation as a hard language to learn. But, if you’re keen to master the world’s second most widely spoken language, ...

10 reasons why Munich should be your next travel destination
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Look out, Berlin — another of Germany’s busy cities is rapidly becoming the must-visit spot for travelers seeking culture. Munich blends the cosmopoli...

10 best winter cities in the world
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The w-word gets a lot of bad press. Sure, the warm sunny days of summer are wonderful, but just because the winter days are shorter, the evenings dark...

5 common language learning myths debunked
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There are plenty of misconceptions about learning a new language, and some of them can make the task of becoming fluent feel completely impossible. Th...