How can I go live in Australia?
The easiest way to go live in Australia is as a student. Over 800,000 international students are enrolled in Australian schools every year. A one-year or multi-year course with an accredited school or university will allow you to get a student visa. Student visas can be renewed for as long as necessary to complete your course under certain conditions. As a student, you can work in Australia as long as your attendance in class is good and you maintain your grades. This is extremely helpful in helping you to finance your stay.
Long-term English courses in Australia are also an option, with lots ways to help you immerse in local life: internship or volunteer placements, university pathway programs, host family accommodation, and degree-granting programs to name a few. If your English is already good, you can study in degree program in your field or sign up for a vocational program. Your age doesn’t matter. Student visas are available to anyone enrolled in an accredited program.
Transitioning from life as a student to a professional life in Australia requires a change of visa. Those who studied in Australia and are already located in the country have the best chance of finding a job and getting the necessary visa to remain. It’s far harder to find work in Australia from abroad, and since employers cannot meet you in person, they’re much less likely to want to hire you. Going to live in Australia first as a student to improve your English and gain a relevant qualification is by far the easiest path.