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Student leaders assemble

Student leaders assemble

So, the second whole school assembly was definitely one that more than a few of our students had been eagerly waiting for. Finally, the announcement of EF Academy Torbay’s very own student leaders. As well as that, we at Torbay decided that it was only right to showcase the efforts of some of our hardest working students.

This year we began by revealing our Top performers from both lower school and upper school, this is actually an amazing accomplishment at this point in the term. These students are already doing what they need to be doing but also going above and beyond to ensure their path to success. For that we want them to know they are well on their way to success and we at school are extremely proud of them! And of course we want to shout out to those who are well on their way to achieving the same. Well done to our star performers!

Here are our top performers:


Lower School

1st Place (2.25) – William D (Prep)

– Angelina Y (IG2)

2nd Place (2.50) – Amanda P (Prep)

– Djawad (Prep)

3rd Place (2.60) – Carla G (IGACC)

– Agatha L (IGACC)

– Elizabeth F (IG1)

Upper School

1st Place (2.00) – Paulinka L (AL2)

– Annie A (AL2)

– Nick S (IB2)

2nd Place (2.20) –   Tiril T (IB1)

– Roberto V (IB2)

– Daniela M (AL1)

3rd Place (2.30) – Juan F P (IB1)

So now, what everyone is waiting for. The appointment of our new student leaders! This year we had a huge increase in numbers of our students applying for these coveted positions, almost twice the amount of students last year (which is incredible). We now have 36 student leaders as well as 24 ambassadors that’s an astounding amount of 60 student leaders!!Having our students in these positions will allow us to help make the right changes and move the school in the right direction using our student’s voices.

Ian Mills, our CAS Coordinator will be running the Charity Committee alongside the newly appointed Chair, Amina Kadri and the rest of the Charity Committee team. The benefit of having such a team is that now as a school we have a focused area where our students can really give back and they can brainstorm ideas and new ways we at EF Academy can give back to our local community.

We also now have our very own Boarding Captains. They can be the voice of our students in residence. This is really wonderful because through the use of the boarding captains we can also find ways to continuously improve and give the students (within reason!) what they need to have an enjoyable time whilst they are in residence.

And finally, our new head students! We welcome Peri and Samantha this year to represent their student body. Both girls are extremely well-deserving of this position. Their desire to help grow and improve the school, not for themselves, but for their fellow students really reflects on how deserving these two young women are. We look forward to seeing what the year has to bring!

Congratulations again!