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Record numbers through the Duke of Edinburgh Award in Torbay

Record numbers through the Duke of Edinburgh Award in Torbay

We have had record numbers of students through the Duke of Edinburgh award this year with 4 teams on expeditions last week alone. This year we introduced Bronze Award to IGCSE students and have had two teams through, which is a total of 15 students on the Bronze alone. We have also had a large number of silver with students from both A Level and the IB. The most difficult part of the award is undoubtedly the expedition and it’s been a challenge to train up to 100 students. The rules for the expedition mean that students need to be able to navigate using a map and compass and have a good knowledge of how to use tents and cooking equipment. It’s more than that though because success in the expedition relies on students having common sense in an outside, often difficult environment and perhaps more importantly, the ability to work as a team, as they are on their own for the entire time.

The two bronze teams carried out their expedition around the Teign Valley heading towards the coast. Not a hard route but they had to ensure that they stuck to their route as its not like Dartmoor where you have the freedom to walk anywhere you want. The silver students carried out their expedition on the south moors heading off from the historic town of Ashburton heading further and further into the moors over the three days. The weather was glorious this year but perhaps a little too hot hitting 2o degrees which makes walking with a heavy backpack hard going.

Success on these expeditions is by no means guaranteed and while it’s a lot of fun it takes team work a perseverance to succeed and this is just what our teams showed this year.