A word from our Head of School in Pasadena
I am delighted to introduce you to EF Academy Pasadena, where we come together as a community of learners to become global changemakers. Our curriculum is custom-built to develop the crucial skillsets and mindsets to be Learners, Leaders, Scholars, and Global Citizens.
As a school, we are immensely proud of the way that we cultivate and share student learning and growth. EF Academy Pasadena offers a competency based high school program. Competency-based learning fosters specific skills and habits of mind required for success in both school and life. This learning style empowers students to make important decisions about their learning experiences, provides differentiated pathways and pacing for student learning, and ensures that students have equitable learning experiences across disciplines.
Our method inspires conversations about learning and helps students to set learning-focused goals. Rather than asking us “how do I get more points?” we are teaching them to ask us “how can I better build and demonstrate my understanding of this competency?” Our teachers are doing a brilliant job of coaching students how to be learners in this system, and our advisors are excited to help you understand your child’s progress and goals.
Additionally, all students on our campus take our signature program Global Leadership. This signature program combines the best of student-centered, project-based learning with our amazing location. In it, students study global issues facing their generation and develop solutions that are implementable from local to international scales.
Students can participate in rich programming whether it is taking on student leadership opportunities in Student Ambassadors or Student Council or in the activities after the school day ends. Students are encouraged to help shape the experience they want to have at EF Academy. Examples of this may be advocating for a class they are interested in taking or creating a new club that does not exist on campus.
We have built a strong and well-rounded community that teaches students how to learn for life. The education at EF Academy spans beyond the classrooms and a student’s high school years, we are helping teens turn into successful and happy young adults.
All the best,
Dr. Sally Mingarelli, Head of School