Summer stories: Claudia Uribe’s internship
Claudia Uribe comes from Mexico and currently studies in the IB program at EF Academy Torbay. She did a summer internship with EF London where she’s had the opportunity to explore new aspects of creative professions. With an interest in art and technology, Claudia spoke to us in June and explained why her internship provided her with such a valuable opportunity.
Q. How’s your internship experience been so far?
I am actually completing my second week of the internship and so far the experience has been full of unexpected but great moments. I have always said that EF cares about their employees and always motivates them to do their best, but I definitely confirmed it while working at one of their offices in London and visiting a couple of language schools in London, Oxford, and Cambridge.
Q. That’s great to hear! What sort of things have they had you working on?
My task is to ask students about their clothing and backpack preferences to improve the current EF merchandise including the students’ preferences and ideas.
Q. Nice! Given your artistic background, that sounds like a cool experience. What do you hope to gain from it?
I hope to get work experience in a company with a good work environment. I also want to learn from the employees and their experiences – how they came to work for EF, what they studied. I feel that sharing time with people who are currently working and have solved the doubts that I have at the moment will help me clarify the direction I want to take in my future. Like my studies, the career I want to pursue, and also where I see myself in the future.
Q. You sound like you’re really making the most of it. What’s been your favorite project so far?
Visiting the language schools to ask the students about their thoughts on the EF merchandise has been the best experience so far. I got to travel to Oxford and Cambridge to visit the languages schools, and meanwhile, I’ve met lots of international students. Additionally, just staying at the office to work with the designing department has been such an adventure.
Q. What do you feel you’re learning?
I have learned that the decisions of the employees can affect the development of a company at a certain rate. And that working at an office does not necessarily need to be boring or routinary. It is also really important to take into account everyone’s opinions because everyone has a different approach when it comes to solving problems.
Q. How does the internship connect to what you are studying in Torbay at EF Academy?
My internship has been an exceptional opportunity because the task I’m helping with at the moment is not commonly offered to all the students. I’m currently studying the Arts at EF Academy and that has also developed my interest in architecture and design-related careers.
The internship opportunity is great for me as it has involved talking with other people and discussing their opinions, helping to give critical opinions and to produce new ideas about a way to resolve certain necessity.
Q. How can you see yourself applying this experience to your future career?
What I have learnt so far that working in teams is critical for multiple tasks that we face daily. That to take into account others’ opinions and needs is important in order for your personal projects to have success. And also, designing skills have been taught to me that I can definitely use in the development of my career.
Q. What advice do you have for students thinking about coming to EF Academy and having a similar experience?
I would tell them the whole journey could be quite scary in the beginning, but really exciting at the same time. I would encourage everyone who has the opportunity to study abroad to come, but especially with EF.
At EF Academy, the teachers and people who take care of our personal well-being are always willing to help us to improve as people and to accomplish our goals before, during, and after studying with them.
Summer Stories is a series of interviews with EF Academy students taking part in internships throughout the summer. This is part one of the series.