How students benefit from positive adult influence
Moving to a boarding school – one that is often halfway around the world – is a big change for students who choose to study away from home. Adjusting to life in a new place surrounded by new people and a new culture can be challenging! For parents, one of the most reassuring things to know when sending their children to boarding school is that the faculty and staff are entirely dedicated to supporting students.
The faculty at boarding schools typically support students in their academic pathways in addition to enriching them outside of the classroom and throughout their lives. Students can benefit strongly from the presence of a positive mentor in their lives: an adult (besides their parents) they can trust to support, encourage, and push them to be the best person they can be. Here are just a few of the plethora of ways that students can gain from having a strong adult mentor.
1. They’ll be more successful
First and foremost, a mentor is someone who will support your child in every facet of their lives – from academics to sports to residential life to college applications. Students who have strong adults they trust are statistically proven to be more successful in general, and more capable of achieving their goals.
2. They’ll grow while trying new things
Not only is an adult mentor there to support your child through all of their triumphs and struggles, they are there to provide wisdom and expertise. As students choose their courses and think about their futures, it is important to have an adult they trust who can help them discover their passions and hone their skills while encouraging them to explore all kinds of possible interests. At a boarding school with so many academic and extracurricular options, it is fantastic to have a positive adult influence encouraging students to step outside their comfort zones and try new things!
3. They learn from technical expertise
Another way students can benefit from having a mentor is by taking advantage of adults’ more technical expertise. A supportive mentor can assist with navigating university applications, proofreading personal essays, and preparing for interviews. Being at an international boarding school, having a trusted adult to proofread and help with grammar and translations can be a tremendously helpful resource for students.
4. They’ll have someone to help them overcome adversity
Of course, mentors are there to support your students, but they are also there to help them grow, even when times get tough. Because mentors believe so strongly in their students and want to see them succeed, they will not be afraid to push students to accomplish more challenging goals. While this seems harsh sometimes, it all comes from the desire to help students discover their self-worth and learn that they are capable of anything they set their minds to.
5. They’ll always have someone to cheer them on
As mentioned before, the adjustment to boarding school life away from family and friends can be challenging. Sometimes, for students whose parents can’t be there to support them at their sports games, concerts, or NHS Induction, it is a mentor who can fill this gap as a cheerleader. When students know that there is someone in the crowd cheering them on, it helps them stay confident in knowing they are appreciated!
Ultimately, a strong adult influence in your child’s life is someone who is there no matter what. At EF Academy, the bonds between our faculty and students last long after graduation day – many students still keep in touch with the teachers and residential advisors who significantly impacted their lives in a positive way. Students can gain so extensively from connections with positive adult role models – and the lasting friendships that are created through this trusting, supportive relationship are perhaps the most cherished benefit of all.
Give your child a high school experience with support at every step of the way.