EF Academy New York welcomes new students
EF Academy New York welcomed 47 new students to campus for the spring semester. The students began their week by moving into the dorm and getting settled while meeting new friends. On Monday, students were formally welcomed with our annual Spring Induction, a program which includes a welcome from Headmaster Dr. Brian Mahoney, a tour of the campus, introductions to both academic and student life at EF Academy and individual meetings with guidance counselors and university advisors.
On Thursday evening, students were invited to their first EF Academy Movie Night in our theater on campus to watch the movie “A Night at the Museum” starring Ben Stiller. The movie is based upon the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
The week culminated on Friday with a trip to New York City and a visit to the American Museum of Natural History. The event was a fun way to meet new friends at EF and for many students, explore New York City for the first time.
The American Museum of Natural History is one of the largest and most exciting museums of natural history in the world. It includes permanent exhibitions on human origins and culture, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians and also a planetarium. For incoming student Daijia Li however, the most exciting part of the visit was touring the “Fossil Halls” and learning about dinosaurs. Part of the exhibit at the museum is the newly discovered and yet to be named “Titanosaur”, a 70-ton, 122 foot long dinosaur. Daijia noted, “It was so cool to see this new dinosaur, it was definitely my favorite part of the trip!”
After the visit to the museum, the trip in New York City continued with lunch at Dallas BBQ in Times Square. Students enjoyed a traditional American barbeque lunch and were able to see the sites in Times Square. “It was a great way to begin my EF Academy experience,” noted Daijia. This is one of many opportunities our students have to see and experience New York City throughout the semester.