5 things I didn’t know before attending boarding school
In this post, Oxford IB Year 2 student Marie shares 5 things she didn’t know before attending boarding school at EF Academy!
Friends at boarding school
You’ll get friends for life! The summer before I started school at EF Academy, my biggest fear was not getting friends. Over a year later I’ve met some of the most amazing people, some of who I know I will remain in contact with for a long time after we go our separate ways for university.
Keeping up academically
It is a lot easier to keep up with school! Basically living at school, and having the same friends at school and outside of school, makes it a lot easier to stay on top of things at school.
Great teachers
Teachers are a lot more involved! The teachers at EF Academy Oxford are not just regular teachers. They care for each individual student and do everything in their power to make sure that every student succeeds and reaches their full potential.
Always something going on at boarding school
Activities are arranged on weekends! There is never a dull moment at EF Academy Oxford! During weekends, our activity leader arranges a range of activities and excursions covering every possible interest and wish. As if that was not enough, there are a range of clubs arranged during the week, all from law club and Model UN to pride club and self-care club!
University guidance
Excellent guidance for university applications! The process of applying for university can be daunting but with the expertise of our university counselor, it becomes a lot easier. We are provided with individual counseling, giving each student the best chance of being accepted into their dream university.