2019’s resolutions from our EF Academy staff
A new year is upon us again and as some of us are shaking off the winter blues or snuggling up with the Hygge spirit all around, we’re thinking ahead to all we might like to accomplish in the coming year. We wanted to hear how some of our school faculty and staff are heading into their year. So, here are some of our school staff’s goals and resolutions for 2019.
We hope you enjoy and feel inspired to achieve your own goals!
“My resolution is to try to learn how to be the best daddy I can be (my wife gave birth to our first child in November).”
– Mark Howe,
Head of School EF Academy Torbay
“I am going to get in touch with more former students from my distant past, in part because they may be able to support EF Academy Oxford students as they consider their careers. (This resolution came about as in December I bumped into a former student of mine who is now a top London barrister and another who is now a professor at Oxford University!)”
– Dr. Paul Ellis,
Head of School EF Academy Oxford
“I pretty much always recommit myself to a few standard New Year resolutions: reading more, exercising more, eating better. This year, I’ve added two silly things: Explore more trails and jump up and down more often.”
– George Stewart,
Head of School EF Academy New York
“One of my new year’s resolutions is to write more blogs but on a personal level I want to do more hiking and a couple of years ago my partner got me a cello for my birthday and I still haven’t fully learnt how to play it so I want to spend more time practicing.”
– Chris Nicholls,
Activities Director EF Academy Torbay
“One of my new year’s resolutions is to lead a more sustainable lifestyle by not buying any new clothes. The fashion industry is extremely wasteful and unsustainable, so I have decided to stop buying new clothes from fast-fashion outlets. I’m excited to find some unique vintage pieces instead!”
– Madeline Ames,
Marketing and Communications Specialist EF Academy New York
“I want to get a new hip! And I also want to get more involved in my local church!”
– Neil Abbott,
Pathway Manager EF Academy Torbay
“I would like to read more books and perfect my golf in 2019. This will help me relax and wind down later in the evenings or on weekends when work in school or at home has stopped and should hopefully reduce my daily screen time!”
– Rob Tasker,
Deputy Head EF Academy Torbay
“My new year’s resolution is to go on more spontaneous adventures and have conversations with more strangers.”
– Arielle Wegbreit,
ESL and English Teacher EF Academy New York
“My new year’s resolution is to take better care of myself. Of course, I want to take care of myself physically by eating healthily and exercising regularly, but I also want to focus on wellness in other areas of my life. I am committing to taking more time for myself to relax, be mindful, and do things I want to do for myself to ensure balance and progress in my life.”
– Emily Aquina,
Director of Residential and Community Life EF Academy New York