18 things to be thankful for in high school
Our crazy and tumultuous lives often cast a shadow over the simpler virtues in life. It’s so easy to take things for granted but, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, we have a chance to reflect on everything we should be grateful for. Given that as teenagers our lives revolve around our school, friends, study – here are 18 things to be thankful for in high school.
Friends – For adding color and fun to our days
Clubs – The intersection of our hobbies and academia
Sports – The igniting of team-spirit and time spent playing with friends
Community – The opportunity to become a part of something bigger than ourselves
Trips – The joy of traveling with our peers and exploring new places
Teachers – The ones who inspire and add value to our lives
Freedom – The ability to shape ourselves in any way we wish and to create a better future for ourselves
Experiences – The life-enhancing experiences we’re given throughout our high school career
Diversity – The experience of studying and living with people who come from all walks of life
Collaboration – The ability to work alongside our peers and create something new and innovative
Weekends – The days we live for more than anything
Privilege – The access we have to a good quality education
Gym – The facilities for workouts and weightlifting that make us more active and healthy
Hostel – The extended family we live and spend our time with
Vending Machines – The life-saving snacks to make up for the breakfast we probably missed!
Library – The go-to place to study or to hang out with friends
Snow Days – The thing we most look forward to during the winter (other than Christmas!)
Preparedness – The work-life balance that has prepared us for the future
Global Citizenship – The journey of becoming global citizens who will bring about positive change in the world
At EF Academy we’re thankful to be one of the most international boarding schools in the world. Our students represent more than 75 different countries making our community a network that spans the globe.