Teach Online
At EF Teach Online, we provide the technology to connect teachers and students worldwide. Here you'll find tools, tips and teacher stories to power your online classes.

Teaching Corner

26 posts
Expanding your reach: using Teacher Development Circles
3 min 3 min min
How to encourage your students to turn their cameras on
3 min 3 min min
Unveiling the Motivation Map
3 min 3 min min
Teaching Different Ages
2 min read 2 min read min
Succeeding With Larger Classes
3 min read 3 min read min
Providing Effective Error Correction
3 min read 3 min read min
How to Avoid Awkward Silences
2 min read 2 min read min
From Social Learning Theories to Group Language Classes
2 min read 2 min read min
Friend or Foe? L1 in the classroom
3 min read 3 min read min
Five Tech-Related Idioms and their History
3 min read 3 min read min