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Other language exams
Other language exams

Other language exams

We also offer a range of widely recognized certificates in various languages.


TKT: Prepare to teach English as a foreign language.


DELF: Measures the ability to communicate in everyday situations.

DALF: Measures understanding of French, emphasizing advanced levels of expression.

DFP: Suitable for students with an intermediate to advanced level of French.

DFP Tourisme et Hôtellerie B1: Certifies competence in French in the fields of tourism, the hotel industry and catering.


DELE & SIELE: DELE is the only exam for non-native Spanish speakers officially recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. SIELE is recognized by various international institutions.

DSEN & DIEN: Both exams are suitable for students with an intermediate to advanced level of Spanish.


TestDaF: Used for admission to university. Recognized by every university in Germany

Goethe-Zertifikat: Recognized in trade, industry and education. Measures independent command of German.


CILS and CELI: Both tests are government-accredited exams for nonnative Italian speakers.


HSK: A standardized test to assess Mandarin Chinese proficiency. Recognized by the People’s Republic of China and numerous countries worldwide.


JLPT: A standardized test that evaluates and certifies Japanese language proficiency.


TOPIK. The test of Proficiency in Korean is a test designed to measure the ability of non-native speakers for expression and comprehension.

EF Learning Guarantee
EF's Learning Guarantee
You'll advance one course level every six weeks when you attend all your classes and complete every assignment; you may move more quickly depending on your progression. Our method will guarantee that you make maximum progress – otherwise, you'll study for free until you do. *This may vary for languages other than English