تُعَبِر try + صيغة الـ gerund عن محاولة الشخص القيام بفِعل شيء ما أو تجريبه.
- If you have problems sleeping, you could try doing some yoga before you go to bed.
- Why don't you try drinking some warm milk?
- I would like to try driving a tank.
- Have you ever tried eating snake?
تُعَبِر try + صيغة المَصْدر المسبوق بـ to عن قيام شخص ما بمجهود لفِعِل شيءما. قد يَكُون الشيء المُشار إليه صعب للغاية أو غير مُمِكِن.
- The surgeons tried to save his life but he died on the operating table.
- We'll try to phone at 6 o'clock, but it might be hard to find a public telephone.
- Could you try to fix my shoes by tomorrow?
- He tries to be quiet but he's always been a noisy child.