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EF Internship Experience
EF Internship Experience

EF Internship Experience

Improve your new language skills in an international work environment.
32/26 Lessons / week
(40 minutes each lesson)
  • Level:
    Intermediate to Advanced
  • Start Date:
    Every Monday, year round
  • Length:
    2 to 52 weeks
  • Online pre-course:
    From enrollment
  • Online post-course
    6 months included for all Intensive English courses.

This program combines an internship of 50 hours or more with a minimum 4-week EF Intensive Course. During classroom time you’ll improve your language skills as well as learn CV writing and interviewing techniques. After class, you’ll perfect your new language ability by working in a part-time, unpaid position at a professional company. You’ll develop industry-specific language skills and gain valuable international work experience. At the conclusion of the program, you’ll receive the EF Internship Certificate.

Available in:
All EF schools in the UK, Ireland, Malta, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Japan, China, Italy and Spain.

Prefer a longer internship?
Try our Internship Plus Program. Choose a 3+3 program (3 months of language studies and a 3 month internship) or a 6+3 program (6 months of language studies and then a 3-month internship). Ask us for more details.

EF Learning Guarantee
EF’s Learning Guarantee
We are so confident that our method will help you make maximum progress, that we guarantee it. Attend all of your classes, do all the assignments, and you’ll advance one course level every six weeks – otherwise, you'll study for free until you do.