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EF English for Business Language
EF English for Business Language

EF English for Business Language

Improve job prospects or gain entrance to university with a qualification that never expires.
32 Lessons / week
(40 minutes each lesson)
16 General Language Lessons
04 Project Sessions
10 Business-related Special Interest Lessons
02 Lecture Sessions
  • Level:
    Intermediate to Advanced
  • Start Date:
    Every month, year round
  • Length:
    2 to 52 weeks
  • Online pre-course:
    From enrollment
  • Online post-course
    6 months included for all Intensive English courses.

Gain the tools and skills to succeed in business while achieving a solid understanding of business principles. From learning key vocabulary to mastering professional correspondence, you’ll learn how to communicate effectively. Classes are taught using contemporary and authentic real-world learning tools, case studies and our innovative EF Campus Learning app.

Available in:
London, Cambridge, Manchester, St. Julian’s, New York, Miami Beach, San Francisco, Boston, Toronto, Sydney

EF Learning Guarantee
EF’s Learning Guarantee
We are so confident that our method will help you make maximum progress, that we guarantee it. Attend all of your classes, do all the assignments, and you’ll advance one course level every six weeks – otherwise, you'll study for free until you do.