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EF General Program
EF General Program

EF General Program

Combine language studies with academics.
26 Lessons / week
(40 minutes each lesson)
16 General Language Lessons
04 Project sessions
04 Special Interest Lessons (SPINs)
02 Lecture Sessions
  • Level:
    Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
  • Length:
    6 months / 9 months / 11 months
  • Start Date:
    September / November / January/ April / June

Launch your international future
Our trusted General Program is where your educational experience abroad begins. You’ll learn both inside and outside the classroom as you combine language study with academic projects – stockpiling a wealth of knowledge to kick-start your future.

All the essentials
Gain a sound understanding and essential skills of a language. Lessons are held in the morning and afternoon, blending classroom and online learning. You may also complement your program with an internship or volunteer experience.

Exclusive academic projects
During your program you’ll undertake project work, building a portfolio that demonstrates what you’ve learned and how you’re able to apply it to an academic arena. It’s the ideal way to show future employers what you’ve achieved during your program.

Study outside the classroom
You’ll enhance your classroom studies with academic field trips, which you’ll use to form part of your project work – even getting the chance to create presentations to show in class.

The EF General Program is available in all EF destinations except our schools in Australia and New Zealand. Total tuition time is 17 hours and 20 minutes per week

EF Learning Guarantee
EF's Learning Guarantee
We are so confident that our method will help you make maximum progress, that we guarantee it. Attend all of your classes, do all the assignments, and you’ll advance one course level every six weeks – otherwise, you'll study for free until you do.