Learn French in Paris

Learn French in Paris
(643 ratings)

Learn French in Paris and get a taste of the French lifestyle. Most tourists don't get much beyond the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. When you decide to study French in Paris, you're signing up for an entirely different cultural experience. Our French language school in Paris uses teaching methods for students of any level, from beginner to advanced. Get in touch so we can discuss your options.

Learn French in Paris

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2-24 weeks
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Destination: France
City: Paris
EF Languages Abroad

EF Languages Abroad

25+ years
1-24 weeks
Boost your global career with personalised language courses in one of the world´s greatest cities. Designed for Adults and Professionals.
Destination: France
City: Paris
EF Language Year Abroad

EF Language Year Abroad

16+ years
6, 9 or 11 months
Combine language and academic studies at a school abroad. Prepare for an official language exam and gain work experience.
Destination: France
City: Paris

Why learn French in Paris?

Paris is by far the most famous French-speaking city in the world. Learning French there is, for many students, a dream come true. But beyond the hype, Paris is the thriving economic, political, and cultural capital of France. When you choose to learn French in Paris, you’re taking a step closer to understanding France, both its long history and its current complexity.

Whether you’re studying French for academic, professional, or personal reasons, there’s something in Paris for everyone. Seek it out and you’ll build a lasting connection to the City of Light, the French language, and the country of France itself.

What’s it like to study French in Paris?

You’ve seen so many images of Paris. It’s truly one of THE iconic cities. But to learn French in Paris is to slip into those pictures, and beyond them, to discover the true Paris that you can only meet by speaking with Parisians. Studying French in Paris you’ll have a schedule, responsibilities, perhaps even a host family waiting for your return every evening. Your time will have shape and purpose.

You can frequent a café every day so the waiters come to know your order without asking, find a bench in a small neighbourhood garden where the sun shines just right, taste all the baguettes until you find the perfect bakery. That’s what it’s like to learn French in Paris.

Who will my classmates in Paris be?

Most students who come to Paris to learn French are between 16 and 26 years old. About a third of them are European and the other half come from Asia, the US, Africa, Canada, and Latin America. Paris is an attractive place to learn French and people choose it for a variety of reasons, but few of them come to mess around.

You’ll find that your classmates in Paris are serious about improving their French, get their homework done, and stay on task during class time. If you’re an older student, you may want to focus on French courses in Paris specially designed for professionals.

What’s your French language school in Paris like?

Our French school in Paris occupies an entire building, with the lower floors dedicated to classrooms, a spacious student lounge, and an instructional kitchen (for French cooking classes), and the upper floors dedicated to EF’s Paris office.

The school is on a private courtyard with no traffic, directly behind the Galeries Lafayette, one of Paris’ most famous department stores. The ambiance inside the school is friendly and supportive. In addition to your French teachers, the school staff are on-site all day every day to organize activities, help with any housing issues, and answer questions.

What are my accommodation options while I’m studying French in Paris?

When you attend our French language school in Paris, you can live in a host family that we’ll find for you, stay 10 minutes from school in our student residence, or find your own accommodation in a Paris hotel or apartment. Choosing a host family will give your French an extra boost, which is why we include host family accommodation in the price of every French course in Paris.

But host families may not be the right choice for everyone. Whichever accommodation option you choose, our school staff will support you in the logistics of settling in and resolving any housing issues during your course.

How much does it cost to learn French in Paris?

You can expect to spend about 850 euros a week to learn French in Paris (930 dollars at the time of writing, but check your current exchange rate). Add to that the cost of your round-trip flight to Paris.

This cost estimate includes your French lessons, accommodation, meals, course books, and everyday expenses like transportation, snacks, souvenirs, movies, and evenings out in Paris with friends. It doesn’t include any travel you may want to do around France or elsewhere in Europe.

What would a typical day of my French course in Paris look like?

You might set your alarm at 7:30 so you have time for a shower before breakfast. You could have a croissant and read Le Monde with your coffee then hop on the metro or walk to school. Your French lessons start at 9:00.

The first lesson of the day might be a discussion of the gilets jaunes protests, or another current event. The second lesson could review the grammar and usage of the plus-que-parfait. You might have another coffee with your classmates during the morning break. You’d head back into class together for an i-Pad lesson simulating a job interview in a Parisian bank. Your last lesson of the morning might cover medical vocabulary with you and your partner role-playing a trip to the hospital.

Now it’s time for lunch, so you head down to the bistro or around the corner to that amazing Vietnamese place. Your Japanese friend from class needs to find a gift for her sister, so you might go shopping together after lunch. You speak French, of course, because that’s your only common language and you wouldn’t want to look like tourists. At 5:00 you head back to the school to meet up for an evening cruise along the Seine.

The school organizes several activities a week. After the cruise, you probably go back to your host family’s apartment and have a nice chatty dinner, do your French homework, and watch Le Pere Noël est une ordure before falling asleep. You only had French classes in the morning, but you’ve actually spent all day in Paris learning French.

What types of lessons are included in my French classes in Paris?

Our French teachers use a teaching method called “communicative” or “action” learning, which means you shouldn’t expect to sit in a desk and take notes while they talk. Students are constantly dividing up into small groups to role-play, make short presentations, and engage with the language. Your French course in Paris will cover all four skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) with each lesson focused on a particular theme or subject.

You will have multiple French lessons each day, so the course stays varied and engaging even though it’s high intensity. Some lessons use i-Pads or the computer lab. Some use a course book. Some use printed material, slides, or audio recordings. You also have the option to select specialized French lessons in topics like French literature or Business French to complement your course.

How is my level of French tested?

It’s important for you to be in the correct course level from day 1. We do two rounds of testing: first at home using an online test, and then again on your first day in the Paris school to confirm your placement. Every student comes to us with a unique French language profile.

Some are masters of grammar but cannot say a word. Others can speak but have never learned to write. Our French teachers have decades of collective experience teaching French. They will make sure you get into the right French class in Paris.

Is learning French in Paris safe for students?

Paris is a big, multicultural city, and it can seem intimidating at first if you come from a smaller, quieter place, but Paris is actually as safe as any other large European city. Tens of thousands of students study in Paris’ hundreds of universities, high schools, and language schools.

As evidence that the city is pretty safe, you will often see children aged 11 or 12 alone on the metro or bus. Of course it’s always best to use your common sense and keep an eye on your valuables.

Will I get a certificate when I finish my French course in Paris?

Any French school in Paris will give you an attendance certificate to show that you studied French with them. Most schools also have a course level completion certificate that they award to students who complete an entire cycle at their school (normally 6-8 weeks). These are unfortunately unlikely to be recognized by anyone, but not everyone needs proof of their course.

But if you do, there are diplomas that prove your level in French anywhere in the world. Our French school in Paris has specialized exam preparation classes for the Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF), the Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (DALF), the Certificat Européen de Langue Française (Certificat de Français), the Diplôme de français professionnel des affaires, and the Diplôme de français professionnel tourisme et hôtellerie B1.

Can I get a job in Paris to help pay for my studies?

Students with a European passport can work in France without a visa. American students cannot. However, for any student, it will be impossible to find work if your French course is only a month long. Students who do find jobs to finance their studies are generally staying in Paris for six months or more.

Those who have permission to work can sometimes find a restaurant or bar job in the evenings that’s compatible with their course schedule. Those who are not legally allowed to work may still pick up a few hours of babysitting or English tutoring for children (undeclared and paid in cash). A more reliable alternative to fund your French course is to find a job at home and save up enough to cover the cost before leaving.

If what you’re actually looking for is work experience in Paris, take a look at the internship options we offer. We’ll find you an unpaid professional internship to complement your French course and beef up your resume.

How long does it take to become fluent in French?

If you take a French immersion course in Paris and work hard, you can go from a true beginner to fluency in a year. Imagine what a transformative experience that would be! Of course, not everyone becomes fluent in French, nor do they need to.

Depending on your current level of French and your personal goals, we can tell you with a great deal of precision what length of course you should take. Get in touch for a customized assessment.

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