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EF Intensive Course
EF Intensive Course

EF Intensive Course

Learn a language as quickly as possible for academic or professional reasons.
32 Lessons / week
(40 minutes each lesson)
16 General Language Lessons
04 Project Sessions
10 Special Interest Lessons
02 Lecture Sessions
  • Level:
    Beginner to Advanced
  • Start Date:
    Every Monday, year round
  • Length:
    2 to 52 weeks
  • Online pre-course:
    From enrollment
  • Online post-course
    6 months included for all Intensive English courses.

Make maximum progress during your stay abroad. Highly recommended for students who need to learn a language as quickly as possible for academic or professional reasons.

Our highly structured syllabus, comprised of 32 morning and afternoon lessons a week (total tuition time of 21 hours and 20 minutes), will have you speaking and writing with confidence in the least amount of time. Our general language lessons build your grammar and vocabulary, while our project sessions improve your research and communication skills through practical work tailored to your interests.

Our Intensive Course offers the maximum number of Special Interest Lessons, to ensure you successfully achieve your goals while studying abroad. Taught both in class and online, you can take SPIN Lessons focused on language skills, professional development, exam or university preparation or culture and arts.

Why is EF Intensive our most popular course?
Because not only do you maximize the amount that your language skills improve, you also gain valuable time to practice with fellow students. This extra interaction enables you to communicate in a natural way, faster than on other courses, and in the process form lasting friendships.

How many weeks should students enroll for an EF Intensive Course?
The longer you study, the more you will improve, guaranteed. That’s why students seeking advanced language skills enroll for a minimum of 3 to 6 weeks. Keep in mind that Intensive students make progress 25 to 50% faster. A 6-week course allows most students to advance one full level of ability, and many intensive students choose to achieve greater fluency with courses of 3 months or more.

EF Learning Guarantee
EF’s Learning Guarantee
You'll advance one course level every six weeks when you attend all your classes and complete every assignment, and you may move more quickly depending on your progression. Our method will guarantee that you make maximum progress – otherwise, you’ll study for free until you do.