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66 posts
10 German expressions everyone should know
6 min read 6 min

For many, the German language remains a mystery. It sounds harsh, seems impossible to learn and has ...

50 unbelievable facts about the world to make you seem cultured
7 min read 7 min

Have you ever sat around the table with friends or family, enjoying a perfectly acceptable lunch or ...

10 Christmas sayings in different languages
3 min read 3 min

For many of us, December is all about Christmas. However, festive traditions have evolved differentl...

How to celebrate American Thanksgiving – Our complete guide
6 min read 6 min

As a non-denominational, secular holiday, Thanksgiving is arguably the most celebrated holiday in th...

How to eat like the Japanese eat
4 min read 4 min

It is widely accepted that Japanese cuisine is not only absolutely delicious, but it is also really ...

9 of the best destinations to enjoy both city and nature
5 min read 5 min

So here’s your travel dilemma: you want to visit a new city because you’re searching for the exhilar...

10 books for English learners that will make you love reading
5 min read 5 min

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. RowlingReading in another lang...

12 French words with no English translation
3 min read 3 min

The French language is known as “poetic”, but what does that really mean? It might be that the Frenc...

8 must-see musicals in London
5 min read 5 min

Whether you’re planning to study in London or fancy a getaway to the iconic capital, going out to a ...

The ultimate summer guide to Rome
4 min read 4 min

Ah, summer in Rome. It makes you think of touring the historic sights, devouring mountains of soft g...

The ultimate summer guide to Brighton
4 min read 4 min

When the sun is shining, there’s only one place that Brits want to be: by the sea! Since the 1800s, ...

10 hidden gems in Munich
4 min read 4 min

The German city of Munich may be best known for beer-tents, pretzels and traditional ‘’lederhosen,” ...