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The latest on travel, languages and culture by EF Education First
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An Aussie copywriter and translator in Chile. After living in Spain and majoring in the fine arts of tortilla-eating and arriving late, I moved to this skinniest of countries on the tail end of a year's backpacking in South America. I can't get enough of hiking, spicy food, and buying plane tickets to far-flung lands. (Also jazz. And brand-new notebooks. Oh, and avocados.) Look me up at erinfranceswalton.com

All posts from Erin

4 reasons why you should send your child to study abroad
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Every day, parents wave their children off at departure gates across the world and wonder how they w...

10 Spanish expressions everyone should know
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Spanish is one of the world’s most widely-spoken languages and Castilian (the version spoken in Spai...

Learning a language is the key to an international future
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The benefits of expanding your child’s (or your own)  linguistic horizons go beyond the benefits of ...

10 most fun languages to learn
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There’s absolutely no reason for why learning a language should be boring. Sure, if fluency is your ...

Dropped out of uni, now what? 10 things to do to rebound
5 min read 5 min

You were all ready to be university’s boss. Things started out well – but then, the unthinkable happ...

How to save money while traveling
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You’ve done it: You’re on the road or just landed in a new country, and you’re ready to start explor...

10 things to do before your student days are over
6 min read 6 min

University life in a nutshell: lectures, study notes, assignments, exams, presentations, and then mo...