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The latest on travel, languages and culture by EF Education First
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An Aussie copywriter and translator in Chile. After living in Spain and majoring in the fine arts of tortilla-eating and arriving late, I moved to this skinniest of countries on the tail end of a year's backpacking in South America. I can't get enough of hiking, spicy food, and buying plane tickets to far-flung lands. (Also jazz. And brand-new notebooks. Oh, and avocados.) Look me up at erinfranceswalton.com

All posts from Erin

Barcelona: 8 insider tips to live la vida local
min read min

Barcelona is one of Europe’s most strikingly, fabulously, poignantly, and intensely beautiful cities...

How to raise bilingual children: 5 methods
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The numerous cognitive, academic and social benefits of learning foreign languages have encouraged p...

6 reasons why it’s never too late to learn a new language
5 min read 5 min

It’s well-documented that children with all their intrinsic learning capabilities have a headstart o...

5 best ways to learn Spanish
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Spanish is a language with advantages stamped all over it. It’s the mother tongue of more than 405 m...

A beginner’s guide to traveling on your own
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For every person who loves traveling alone, there are 20 others who would rather walk across hot coa...

8 best cities in the world for food lovers
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When traveling, living, or studying overseas, becoming immersed in a new culture is an essential par...

10 reasons to absolutely adore Sydney
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Ahhh Sydney, we really, really heart you. You’re so beautiful, varied, sunny, and delicious. You giv...

10 things only those who lived in Australia understand
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Down Under. The Lucky Country. Oz. No matter what you call it, everyone knows Australia for Sydney, ...

Learn one of these 5 languages to stand out
4 min read 4 min

For most people looking to study another language, English remains the first choice – and for good r...

Back to basics: 10 English words for restaurants
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Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, coffee and cake, after work drinks or a just quick bite to eat – t...

8 reasons why you’ll never regret traveling
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However much they might yearn to go overseas and “see the world”, people tend to make all sorts of e...

5 best cities in the world to study English
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Forget about London, New York or Sydney – or at least consider your options.If you’re looking to go ...