Since 1965, we've helped millions of students of all ages discover new places, embrace diverse cultures, and gain fresh perspectives.
We're dedicated to our mission of opening the world through education — harnessing the power of language to deepen the connection between people across the globe.
An EF language course abroad connects three elements: academics, adventure, and culture. It's an immersive learning experience for every student who travels with us. By studying a language where it's spoken by locals, you don't just learn a language — you live it.
With destinations spread across the world's most exciting cities, we take you to the heart of the language. Build your own journey abroad that's matched to your ambitions, passions, and future. You'll make friends and memories to last a lifetime.
Dive into all things language, travel, and culture on the EF GO Blog.
We're here to help you to find right destination for your studies, no commitment needed